Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Are you bold enough to pray a prayer like this?

I got this prayer in an email yesterday. It's a prayer that we've prayed as a congregation at Point Loma in chapel I think twice. It's a prayer of refocus, commitment, and devotion to God. They're hard words to pray because in some cases, it could mean losing something we hold dearly. I encourage you to meditate on these words and if you're so bold enough, pray this prayer for your life.

I give myself completely to You, God.
Assign me to my place in Your creation.
Let me suffer for You.
Give me the work You would have me do.
Give me many tasks
Or have me step aside while You call others.
Put me forward or humble me.
Give me riches or let me live in poverty.
I freely give You all that I am
And all that I have to you.
And now, holy God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit
You are mine and I am Yours.
Use me for Your glory.


Amen. God bless you.

That is all.

Monday, October 17, 2011

It's Not Always Sunny in San Diego

Today was a super mellow day. It was SUPER foggy from early this morning until right now. I literally felt like it was a scene from a movie. I couldn't see the ocean. I'm not sure it was even still there. It might have disappeared for the day and I wouldn't have known. But assuming it's still there, I believe I'll see it tomorrow, if the fog clears up that is.

So yeah, basically, today, the weather was bad, but I remember finding myself still realizing that I'm so blessed to be here, sunny or not. Take time to stop and look around and thank God for what you do have, for how fortunate you are, because you have a lot. If you're reading this online or on a phone, or even on a friend's computer or phone, you're more fortunate than most of the word already. Count your blessings. Even the ones that you wouldn't usually count.

That is all.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


I went to a wedding today. My good friend got married today in the park up by the Fermanian business center. It was SO cute. I'm so happy for them. I don't really have much to say about it but just thought I'd let you know, LOVE IS IN THE AIR!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Happy October!

I know it's a day late but Happy October. Just thought I'd share a few of this months holidays! Let's celebrate them all!

1 International Frugal Fun Day - first Saturday of the month
1 World Vegetarian Day
2 National Custodial Worker Day
2 Name Your Car Day
3 Oktoberfest in Germany ends, date varies
3 Techies Day
3 Virus Appreciation Day
4 National Golf Day
4 National Frappe Day
5 Do Something Nice Day
5 World Teacher's Day
6 Come and Take it Day
6 Mad Hatter Day
6 Physician Assistant Day
7 Bald and Free Day
7 World Smile Day
8 American Touch Tag Day
9 Curious Events Day
9 Fire Prevention Day
9 Leif Erikson Day
9 Moldy Cheese Day
10 Columbus Day - second Monday of month
10 National Angel Food Cake Day
11 It's My Party Day
11 Take Your Teddy Bear to Work Day
12 Cookbook Launch Day
12 Emergency Nurses Day- date varies
12 Old Farmer's Day
12 Moment of Frustration Day
13 International Skeptics Day
14 Be Bald and Free Day
14 National Dessert Day - take an extra helping, or two
14 World Egg Day - second Friday of the month
15 International Newspaper Carrier Day -date varies each year
15 White Cane Safety Day
15 Sweetest Day Third Saturday of month
16 Bosses Day
16 Dictionary Day
17 Wear Something Gaudy Day
18 No Beard Day
19 Evaluate Your Life Day
20 Brandied Fruit Day
21 Babbling Day
21 Count Your Buttons Day
21 National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day find a recipe, too.
22 Make a Difference Day- fourth Saturday of the month, an opportunity for neighbors to help neighbors.
22 National Nut Day
23 Mother-In-Law Day - fourth Sunday in October
23 National Mole Day
23 Tv Talk Show Host Day
24 National Bologna Day
24 United Nations Day
25 Punk for a Day Day
25 World Pasta Day
26 National Mincemeat Day
27 National Tell a Story Day - in Scotland and the U.K.
27 Navy Day
28 Frankenstein Friday - last Friday in October
28 Plush Animal Lover's Day
29 Hermit Day
29 National Frankenstein Day
30 National Candy Corn Day
30 Mischief Night
31 Carve a Pumpkin Day - no surprise here
31 Halloween
31 Increase Your Psychic Powers Day

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Just Checking In

To say that I'm alive. As if any of you care. :)

Anyway, I just wanted to say hi and that if you have any questions about Loma, feel free to comment, send me an email at, of find me on Facebook and I'll do my best to answer them!

Enjoy a picture of some things.

That is all.