Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Dear Note Writer

"Tonight, I received an anonymous note from someone after Time Out was over. Don't know who it was that wrote it or why said person wrote it but it states:

"Keep seeking Christ. He sees you. He hears you. He knows you. His love for you is greater than anyone could ever imagine. Take joy for you are delighted in.

'Draw near to God & He will draw near to you.' -James 4:8"

Side note: In my opinion, Time Out is always the best service of the week and I'm always moved by the Spirit in many ways. There's just something about night time services that is just so much more intimate. End note.

I will now respond, anonymously, knowing that it's extremely unlikely that this person, whoever they are will ever read this.
I didn't even get enough of a glimpse of you to see if I've met you before. You seemed vaguely familiar but I can't quite tell. However, thank you, Note Writer. I'm not sure what prompted you to write this little note, but it is much appreciated. I don't think it would be too crazy to assume that God laid it on your heart to give it to me because I know that has happened to me and that's one way in which He works. I was not at any extremely low or in need of a lot of encouragement, but hearing those truths are always nice. It did lift me up, even though I'm not extremely sure what to make of it yet. I know that God sees and hears me and I know He is always with me. But it's apparent to me that He wanted to remind me because someone else had to say it as well. I don't doubt God, but maybe I sometimes doubt myself. Maybe God just wanted me to see it written. If that's the case, then I hope you know that I've hung it above my bed so I will be able to see it as I lie down to sleep.
Dear Note Writer, God loves, sees, and hears you too. That is obvious because God loves everyone, but also because God chose to use you to be a blessing to me. This note didn't like radically change my life or come at a time when I was near ruin, but it came at a perfect time that God wanted it to come. God works in mysterious ways, but "His works are wonderful. I know that full well."
That is all.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

I found out today that I got accepted to be in the Freshman/New Student Chapel Band as one of two worship leaders. I’m SOOOOOO happy. Like, I don’t even have much to say but PRAISE GOD! I could probably say a lot about this but I don’t know where to start. I just know that God is definitely already working even through who was selected.

How I found out: So, we were originally told we were going to find out whether we made it on October 1 (last Friday), but George (the worship director for Point Loma) was prayerfully deciding and we didn’t find out until today I remember being at lunch and feeling kind of off for some reason. I actually sat and had lunch alone that day. But as I was heading to get some ice cream and leave the caf, I got a text from my friend, Amanda. “Did you check your email????????!?!?!!” the message said. Literally five seconds after she texted me, she ran up to me, beaming, and told me to look at her phone (which she gets her email on) and there it was! The email that said The 6 members of the band! We both made it! I had this feeling from the first time we talked that she would make it for some reason.

But anyway. 

She showed me the email and I freaked out. I was seriously about to cry from overwhelming joy. It truly was such a blessing and I’m so so so grateful that I was chosen, to be the leader even. That’s crazy. Out of all the people who auditioned, possibly hundreds, I was chosen among 5 others. It just blows me away. I don’t know what God’s got in store, but I’m trusting Him with everything!

That is all.

Friday, October 1, 2010

About Me

I suppose I never did an about me blog, so I’ll do that now. My name is Orin Joshua Mozon. I was born  on January 23, 1992, in Newport, Rhode Island. I only lived there for 6 months. I moved, against my will, to North Carolina and lived there for 11 years in Jacksonville, North Carolina. After living there, I moved to Silverdale, Washington where I lived for 3 years. Lastly, I moved from there to Oceanside, California, and that is where I’m from. I graduated from El Camino High School in 2010 with honors and a 4.5 GPA (4.1 cumulative) and I’m now attending Point Loma Nazarene University.

I don’t want to make this blog too long because I know that anyone who may read it would not want to read my life story. If you’d like to know more, feel free to ask me here or sending me an email at my school email address:

With that said, I’ll continue. The most important part of my “story” is the role that God has played in my life. My whole life has been about God. I was born and raised in a Christ centered home. However, for the first 14 years of my life, church was nothing stable. My dad was and still is a chaplain in the Navy so we would often travel to different to churches at which he would preach. When I moved to Oceanside, however, we found a church that would turn out to have an extreme impact on me.
Article Pic

That church, New Song Community Church (see picture on right),  would soon turn into my second home and the place that made my faith skyrocket. At New Song, I quickly got involved, serving in many different ministries and in many different positions, from leading the whole team, to being just one of many members. I pretty much put my foot in anything. I loved having a place where I could serve, and that remains today.

Fast forward a couple years and to summarize a very large point in time for time’s sake, my church made a movie called To Save A Life. I was very involved in the movie’s making and background stuff and even was blessed and able to act in a minor role in the movie. For more information on the movie, go to

The next defining part of my life to this point would be me becoming a worship leader. I got a guitar one Christmas morning and didn’t think much of it. I played it, but not super well, or very often. So I eventually gave it up. But, the next year, I found the same guitar that I thought was still sitting in my closet as a present re-gifted to me. It sparked my interest yet again and this time I got more into it and began to play songs and teach myself songs I liked. One thing led to another and I found myself leading worship for the high school ministry, as well the the middle school/junior high ministry and eventually was ask to play along side the church’s worship pastor on Saturday nights.

God opened and is opening so many doors for me and I love every minute of it. As with anything, there were always not so great weeks, but I always knew God had a plan.

So that’s where I’m at now. A worship leader trying to pursue God’s heart. Living day by day, trying to follow what He wants me to do.

Any questions? Feel free to comment or email, and I’ll reply or blog more about the topic.

That is all.