Saturday, January 22, 2011

Brandon Heath/Toby Mac Concert

On Thursday night, I went with a few friends to a Brandon Heath and Toby Mac Concert at the Rock Church in San Diego. It was about a 20 minute shuttle ride away from campus and even that shuttle ride just set the night up to be a fun one. From falling out of my seat when the bus driver turned to laughing a lot with my friends and the random people who were on the shuttle too, I knew the night was going to be fun.

We got to the Rock and made our way in. Our seats were on the left of the room in the front sections but I somehow knew I wouldn't be sitting there for long. I really wanted to be in front. I NEEDED to be in front. I just wanted to have fun and the best fun at concerts comes from standing in the front row in front of the stage.

Brandon Heath came up first. It was a good show and I really liked the songs he played. "Your Love" was probably my favorite one that he played. I digged how he was playing some worship songs and made sure to give God the glory. The crowd wasn't super into it but when he was getting towards the end, I could feel the excitement increase. And I realized that most people were here mainly to see Toby Mac. I know that's the main reason some of my friends were there so it made sense.

After Brandon Heath was done, I felt like I just had to get close to the stage. So I did just that. My friends didn't want to go at first but, except for a few, they came eventually. I was right at the front and they started to set up everything.

7:59 PM - Stage mostly set up

8:04 PM - 5 minutes later, Toby came out with the Diverse City band

If you can't tell, I was definitely right in the front. This guy is Deshon "Shonlock" Bullock, a member of Toby's Diverse City Band. I really enjoyed watching him perform too. He's a great dancer too.

8:19 PM - Toby and all of the Diverse City band during a song all crowded up front, directly in front of us! So cool.

8:24 PM – After the first couple songs, Toby gave a little baby sermon about God’s love for us. It was really great and definitely showed that he was doing this all for His glory.

This is when things got crazy. During this sermon thing, Toby walked right towards ME and shook my hand. It was like a friendly "what's up bro" sort of handshakes not just a "you're a random fan let me touch your hand" handshake. No one else. Just me. It wasn't like when a performer will go down the edge of the stage and touch everyone's hand. No no no. He made a B-line at me and made eye contact with me and shook my hand. I don't know why, but he did! And it was awesome.

Tweet:"Toby Mac just shook my hand from on stage!" @ 8:24 PM

After that happened, it could go without saying that my night had been made. But it didn't end there. Shortly after Toby shook my hand, Shonlock (the black guy from the earlier picture) came right to me and did the same thing! And within the next 10 minutes or so, all the vocalists (except for the female vocalist, Nirvessence) and the bass player, Todd "Toddiefunk" Lawton, had came right to me and did the same. Then, Toby put the mic in front of my face and let me sing in it! It was like when you echo what they say. People usually point the mic to the whole crowd, but Toby gave it to me instead! It was so fun and so crazy but so confusing all at the same time. I just knew that I was having a great time. That's why I knew I needed to be in the front row!

Tweet: "Toby Mac handed me the mic and let me sing in it! This is awesome! And one of the members of diverse city band shook my hand too!"

The keyboardist/vocalist that they're all pointing to is Dave "D-Dub" Wyatt. At one point in the set, he pointed right at me and gave me "what's up" head bob for whatever reason. I was definitely getting love from that stage that night! It’s like they all knew who I was or something. That must be it.

Towards the end of the set, Brandon Heath came back on stage and sang a song with Toby and believe it or not, he came over to me and did the same thing Toby did! I still don't understand why, but it happened! Brandon also give high fives to people around me, but he came to me first. What the heck?

Tweet: "Brandon Heath just shook my hand from on stage too!" @ 9:03 PM

I stopped taking pictures by this point because I was so wrapped up in the awesomeness of this concert but basically, it was phenomenal. They ended with "God of This City" and it was great to worship at the end of the concert and realize that God was the main focus and purpose of Toby Mac's career and ministry.

They finished up and closed with "Jesus Freak" and then they all posed for a good minute.

They broke their poses and then did a rendition of the Goodbye Song, the one that goes, "Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye." and then left the stage. One of the vocalists came back and started throwing towels and I caught Toby Mac's towel. It was cool but sorta gross.

Tweet: "I got Toby Mac's towel at the end of the show! It was used! His makeup was on it!" @ 9:50 PM

And that was the end of the concert. After the concert, we went to In-N-Out and then Walgreens

Tweet: “Just randomly met and hung out with a group of Australians at Walgreens. Some of them were extremely drunk. I avoided them."  @ 12:40 AM

They weren't all drunk though, so we talked to the sober ones. Then to Von's

Tweet: "Hide and seek in Vons!" @ 12:56 AM

Then to Denny's and then finally got back on campus by 4:30 AM.

All in all, a crazy awesome night, and I'm so glad I'm at this school. 

That is all.


  1. Wow-God had a blessing waiting for you! See what happens when you go "Further up, Further in". God lead your heart and you lead your feet. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Most definitely! It was a great time! :)
