Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Powerful Song: Beloved - Tenth Avenue North

Just wanted to share this song with you all that I've always liked but this afternoon, God really led me to get away from everything and really listen to the lyrics. I feel like I heard it for the first time today when I've heard it a bunch of times. This song is about how Jesus sees the Church.

Love of my life
Look deep in my eyes
There you will find what you need

Give me your life
The lust and the lies
And the past you're afraid I might see
You've been running away from me

You're my beloved
Lover I'm yours
Death shall not part us
It's you I died for
For better or worse
Forever we'll be
My love it unites us and it binds you to me
It's a mystery

Love of my life
Look deep in my eyes
There you will find what you need

I'm the giver of life
I'll clothe you in white
My immaculate bride you will be
Come running home to me

You're my beloved
Lover I'm yours
Death shall not part us
It's you I died for
For better or worse
Forever we'll be
My love it unites us and it binds you to me
It's a mystery
You've been a mistress, my wife
Chasing lovers that won't satisfy
Won't you let me make you my bride
You will drink of my lips and you'll taste new life

You're my beloved
Lover I'm yours
Death shall not part us
It's you I died for
For better or worse
Forever we'll be
My love it unites us and it binds you to me
It's a mystery

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Something That Tickles My Insides

I know this is the third blog I've posted today, but bear with me. Grr. (That was a dumb joke, sorry)

Blogspot has this nifty thing that tells me how many people view my blog and it can tell me also how they made their way here. That's not the funny part.

It tells me where my blog has a link if people have clicked it. For example, my facebook, and the Point Loma Loma Blogger website, and my Twitter too. Still not the funny part.

The funny part, to me at least, is that it tells you that if people searched something in Google and found your blog because of it, it shows you what they searched for. In the last week, people who have typed the following things have stumbled across my blog.

1. black guys in toby macs band
2. my heart christ's home tagalog
3. plnu cider celebration
4. songs brandon heath played at the toby mac concert
5. toby mac bass player todd lawton

In and of itself, none of these are that funny of search terms. I just kinda find it funny that someone typed in, "black guys in toby macs band" that my blog is the first result.

Maybe I should just find what the top searched item is on Google and make a blog post about it. Then, a bunch of people who are looking for that, will find my blog instead. And then I will become an internet phenomenon right? That's how this works I'm pretty sure.

I need to go write a paper now. And then go to church :) :) :) :)

That is all.

Freshman Chapel Band Takes 4 & 5

I'll keep this one short relative to the last ones about us playing in chapel.

We played twice in two weeks which was really cool to get that much playing time. First we played in Time Out (the Wednesday night service) and it was phenomenal. We played a total of nine songs I think because we were alloted some extended worship time. It went very well and God was definitely glorified that night. This particular night was in the midst of Spiritual Renewal week, so there were a lot more people there than usual and the energy and passion in the room seemed a lot higher too. I know I encountered God being on the team and from what I've heard, other people did too.

Secondly, we played this last Wednesday morning in chapel. A friend of ours actually recorded one of our songs. Haley led this song (link to her blog), called Only You Can Satisfy. You can't really see me, but that's okay.

Anyway, we also played that song that I wrote Reaching For Me and another song called Lord Let Your Glory Fall. Funny story. After we were done, a guy came up to me and said that he really liked that first song (which was my song) and asked me what it was called and said he wanted to learn it. I told him, hoping he wouldn't ask who wrote it, but obviously that's what he was trying to find out. I reluctantly had to tell him that I wrote it to which he complimented me cuz he really liked it and yeah. So there you go.

I'm so humbled and in awe of the fact that people really like the freshman band. Like... they really like us. And they can really worship with us. I think that's the coolest thing. And we'll see what God wants to do through us next time :)

That is all.

Tunneling and Broomball

Hello to you all,

What a crazy week I've had. I've had some major ups as well as some minor downs but God has been good to me this week, as if anything else should be expected.

I really don't have much to say to describe everything that went on this week but some exciting things I did this week included what is called tunneling and playing Broomball / broom hockey.

What is tunneling? Well, what we did is we walked for about, I don't know, a half hour or more I'd say until we got to the entrance of this water pipe and we climbed down undergound into it and then traveled through until we got out the other side which happened to be the harbor.

Here's me and a couple friends as we started to head out to the tunnel. I had a little head flashlight that came in handy as I volunteered myself to lead the way through the tunnel even though I had never been before. Needless to say, I was very afraid because I didn't know what was in that tunnel. I may or may not have been holding someone's hand pretty much the whole way cuz I was scared. It didn't help my fear to hear everyone once in a while a car drive over the pipe which made an extremely loud noise while we were down there. It startled me quite a few times and I actually hit the floor a couple times. I must've been imagining that there was someone headed towards us in the tunnel with a gun. Obviously that didn't happen, but when you're scared, you don't think logically. Why would a crazy murderer jump in to the harbor, swim to the water pipe and begin walking through with gun drawn ready to kill a bunch of college students for no apparent purpose? Well, I guess there are plenty of reasons if you're crazy. But I digress.

As you can see, there have been many a people that came before us and tagged up the place. We were informed by our "guide," Ally Beardsley, that some years back, some Lomans came down with face masks and tagged the tunnel. This was back in a time when the Young dorm was cool and called themselves the Young Empire. "Young Empire" was tagged all along the tunnel walls.

Side note: Ally is also a Loma Blogger and you can find her blog here (beardsfest). End side note.

So basically, it was an awesome time with awesome people. Great fellowship :)

The next night, I went to the ice rink and played broomball. Broomball (or broom hockey) is a game you play on an ice rink while wearing tennis shoes and a bunch of people just hit a ball around trying to score a goal. Not much to say about that except that it was a whole lot of fun and there were massive amounts of people. It was so cramped but so awesome. I think that I scored about 5 goals and knocked over a couple people. I take more credit in knocking people over.

So that's about it for now. I haven't had many blog worthy things come up lately. Leave comments on my posts and I'll try to respond to them as quick as possible!

That is all.