Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Better Late Than Never

Well, all that blogging that I had planned to do the past few weeks never happened. And now the school year is over.

Wow. My first year of college is over. What a crazy year it's been. How could I sum it all up? I really couldn't do it adequately, but I'll go for it.

I've grown so much in my faith and in my character. I've seen a lot of things at Point Loma that excited me and some that upset me. I've made friends and I've lost friends. I've been a part of a great group of friends and I've been a part of not so great groups of friends. I've met people that changed my life just because of who they are. I've met people whose lives I've changed in some way. I've met people that are easy to love. I've met people that are difficult to love. I've had a crush on a girl. No girl had a crush on me though lol. I've thought about the same person every day even though we don't talk any more. I've found things about myself that I love. I've found things about myself that I wish were not a part of who I am and I'm working on them so I can be more like Christ. I've become a better musician. I've met musicians that are extremely better than me. I've been disappointed by people. I've disappointed people. I've learned more and more that there is so much I don't know and so much I'll never know. I've learned that rumors really do spread like wildfire because people just need something to talk about. I've learned that Facebook is a big contributor to this. I've seen how people can surprise you if you give them the chance. I've learned that it's okay to be vulnerable with people. I've learned that sometimes it's not okay to be vulnerable with certain people as well. I've learned that Point Loma is full of people from all different backgrounds, beliefs, and morals. I've learned that Point Loma is a lot like a church when it comes to it's students. Some are there because they want to grow in their faith, some are there to help others grow in their faiths, some are there because they're forced to be, some are there only for the girls (and there are a lot of girls), some are there only to play sports, some are there only for the beach, some are there and aren't sure why they are there. I've met people who I might never see again because they're leaving the school. I've met people who I believe that the Lord placed in my life for a big purpose. I've been hurt by people. I've been comforted by people. I've read though most of the Old Testament and not for a class. I haven't taken a Bible class and still read my Bible more than some students who were in a Bible class. I've had periods of time where I felt and saw God working in my lives and others. I've had periods of time where it didn't seem like God was doing anything.

I've changed in many ways, yet I've remained the same in many ways. I'm still Orin and I still love Jesus, and I think that's the most important thing.

I don't plan on updating much over the summer but if something super noteworthy, or blogworthy happens, I'll probably blog on it. So keep your eyes out for something new if you'd like.

God bless all of you, all 3 of you, that have followed my journey at Point Loma Nazarene University my freshman year. I hope to continue sharing my journey with you in the future.

That is all.