Friday, August 26, 2011

I'm Baaaaaack

Well, I moved in to my dorm on PLNU's campus yesterday. At first when I got to my room I thought I liked my room from last year better but now I'm thinking that I like this one more. It's a little bigger. But I guess we'll see if it still feels bigger when my roommate, Jacob gets here on Sunday. I won't be here when he gets here then so I'm going to leave him a lot of post it notes on his stuff for fun :) They'll say things like "This is my chair. You cannot sit here." or "This is a mirror. Every time you look in it, remember that there's always someone watching you. Right now, it's you. But when you look away from the mirror, it will be me." I'm determined to make this room be a happy place and maybe play some pranks every once in a while if he's a good sport about that. I know that we'll have a lot of fun and good talks and I'm sure God will use us to help each other grow.

I've got nothing to do really for the next day or two but it's been cool to see some of my friends that I haven't seen since last school. I also got to see a couple of the preview students I met last year. That was awesome!

Not much else to report.

God bless.

That is all.

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Father's Love

How much do you think God the Father loves His Son? Just try to imagine that for a second.
A pretty good amount maybe? It’s got to be a lot doesn’t it? It’s pretty much a perfect love don’t you think? Now check out Jesus’ words in John 15:9,
“Just as the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.”
Until a few minutes ago this morning as I was listening to a sermon by Francis Chan, I never really grasped this verse completely. And I still can’t quite comprehend it. But let’s unpack this verse and maybe you can find something that blows you away too…
Once again, this is Jesus speaking here and He says,
“Just as the Father has loved me…”
Stop there for a second. I’ll ask again: How much do you think God the Father loves His Son? Can you begin to imagine the love there? I’ll give you an answer. Listen to this truth - God the Father loves Jesus in a perfect, never ending, unfailing love. The Father and the Son have perfect unity.
Now that’s cool and all but what does this have to do with you and me? Well , there’s more.
“…so have I loved you…”
Just as? In the SAME WAY that God the Father loves Jesus? That can’t be possible… But it is! Jesus said it Himself! Jesus loves you in the same way that God the Father loves Him. So then, Jesus loves you and me in a perfect, never ending, unfailing love. That truth blows me away… I can’t even wrap my mind around it.
And there’s still more! We haven’t even reached the last part of this verse!
“…Now, remain in my love.”
This has a whole new meaning to me. “My love,” Jesus says. “Remain in my love.” It’s almost as if Jesus is saying here, “My perfect love. My never ending love. My unfailing love. I want you to remain in it. Sit. Rest. Be still. Abide in and stay close to my love. It never fails. It never gives up. It never runs out on you. In the same way that my Father loves Me, that’s how much I love you. You are My beloved. I died for you. I live in you. I love you.
Can you hear Jesus speaking this over you today? Have you been remaining in His love?
Jesus loves you; this I know, for the Bible tells me so.

That is all.