Can I talk about how adorable (and strange) kids are for a second?
Okay cool. So I’m helping out at my church’s Kid’s Camp this week. We do sports, songs, arts & crafts, and a bunch of other great stuff and have a blast. It’s always one of, if not the, best weeks of the summer for the past 6 years. It’s cool to be a part of these kid’s lives for a week and all but sometimes, they say the oddest things!
Today, as we were on the soccer field, one of the kids in my group turned to me all serious and he said with a smile on his face, “I have my own sexy dance.”
And in my head I was like WHAT?! What does that even mean? First of all, why do you even know what a sexy dance is?! And second, why and how do you have your OWN? It’s great if kids have their own little dance moves because you can express yourself in some way I guess but why in the world do you have your own SEXY DANCE?! And how did you determine what is or isn’t sexy? YOU’RE NINE YEARS OLD.
I almost wanted to just humor him and see what he would do but I was seriously afraid of what could happen so all I could say was, “Oh. That’s nice. Don’t show me though. You should keep that to yourself.”
Seriously… Kids are great. But sometimes they make me wonder what in the world goes on in their heads.
That is all