Lack of motivation to do well... anything. I don't want to do homework. I don't want to do anything. I don't want to leave my bed. School is hard sometimes. But it's worth it. I love being at Point Loma. It's great to be here and I'm so blessed and thankful that God called me here. But it's hard sometimes. For my major, I'm required to learn piano pretty well and it's something that I feel like I can't get a handle of. I can play some stuff when it's just messing around but when you put music in front of me, my brain doesn't want to respond as quick as it really should. I contemplated dropping the major for something else just because it seemed so difficult. But I can do it. I can. And I will. I don't know how. But I can. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Even pass a piano proficiency test. I don't have experience with piano but I have Jesus. And I'm trusting that He'll help me out. Somehow. Sometime. Someway.
This was really a rant that serves no purpose. I'm not sure what to write about to be honest. I don't know what people who look at my blog would want to read. I don't even know what people look at my blog.
Anyway, I think I might have just written here to try further put off working on homework and learning my piano piece that I have as a test on Wednesday...
I'm going to go try to be productive now.
That is all.
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