Friday, September 28, 2012

The New Year is Fully Underway

The school year started exactly one month ago today. A lot has happened in that time but I'll highlight a few things that I took pictures of yay!
This is the view from my room this year. It's an okay view I guess.
This was my fun outfit for helping out at New Student Orientation. Drenched from head to toe in Point Loma green and yellow. It was seriously so much fun and I'm so glad I helped out. I met a bunch of new people who I forgot almost immediately but now after a month of getting familiar with faces, some of the new students I met those two days of NSO are some great friends of mine!

This is one of the opening ceremonies at NSO where pretty much all the new freshmen and transfer students were. It was crazy to watch so many people start off a new part of their journey.
Okay this, this is huge. This is a picture of Point Loma's president, Robert Brower (otherwise known as Bobby B) ordering a drink from our on campus coffee shop called Bobby B's. I've not seen this before but I had to get a picture to document history.
Just the view walking back to my dorm. Like I said before, it's an okay view I suppose.
The view from the back of my dorm. Eh.

These four are pictures from an event we had here called Glow with the Flow. It was Point Loma's first official dance and it was SO MUCH FUN. We all, as you can sort of tell, dressed in crazy colors and went onto a baseball field full of glow sticks, glow in the dark paint, and loud music. I went crazy and had a blast out there.
 These two are from what was called Loma Thrill Night, as well as Naz Night, as well as Christian Family Night. It had a lot of names and no one from our school really knew what to call it. We just called it, let's go to Six Flags. And it was also a blast.
Not having a roommate again this year gave me some freedom to move my beds around. We experimented with a few arrangements of the bunk beds and I found that this was the most comfortable.
This, my friends, is one of the things I've been most excited about sharing with you all this year. I took this right before I led worship at my first chapel of this year. It was INCREDIBLE. I was so excited and antsy to get up there and it was so great to be able to lead my peers in worship of the Father by the empowerment of the Holy Spirit in the name of the the Son. I wish I could describe to you how great it felt to get back up there and worship the Lord here at PLNU, but sometimes words on a blog post can't do justice to an experience with the living God.
And last for this post, but certainly not least, is a picture I took right before we went out just two days ago on Wednesday night to lead worship at our weekly Time Out service. I've talked about it on here before but Time Out is definitely one of my favorite worship services we have here at Point Loma. At 9:30PM on Wednesday nights, it's smack-dab in the middle of the week and it's a great time to have a break from homework and life's business to come encounter God through musical worship. I'm so grateful for how the Lord moved this night. And once again, I wish I could describe it better than I am, but it's hard to dictate the hunger that was in the room that night. We played the song We Are Hungry and it really became a theme for the whole night. This campus has those people on it who are hungry for more of the Lord's presence and thirsty for more of His goodness. And the great thing about that is that Jesus talked about that in the Sermon on the Mount. He said, "blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied." (Matthew 5:6) God will meet our hunger and continue to do new things here at Point Loma this year. And I'm excited to watch and to be an active participant to what the Holy Spirit wants to here.

Be blessed, friends, for the God of the universe chose you and called you by name. Recieve His love! 

That is all.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Good Intentions

I've been meaning to write a blog about how the new year has been going but school is oh so busy! But it is a ton of fun. From Six Flags, to Super Hero Bowling, to hanging out with friends old and new, I'm definitely loving this year.

I'll write more later!

In the meantime, I'd love to get some questions from you all! Maybe about life at Loma, about the San Diego area, or even prayer requests! So drop a comment down below or you can even send me an email or find me on Facebook (those are probably faster ways of getting a hold of me)!

Okay. Bye. I love you all!

That is all.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Some Really Good News

If I may share a joy in my life, I will proceed. Since I hear no objections, here it is.

Last week, Thursday to be exact, I found out that I was selected to be one of the worship interns here at Point Loma! Basically what that means is that I am blessed to be able to lead worship every once in a while during Point Loma's chapels and do a bunch of behind the scenes stuff. Chapel, for those who don't know, meets here at Point Loma 3 times a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) in the mornings (9:45AM) and once a week for a service called Time Out on Wednesday nights. I have some great experiences in the chapel services here and I'm glad I get to be a part again.

I said "again" and you might not know why, but if you've followed my story the last few years, you'd know that I got to lead worship on campus as a freshman with the New Student band. My excitement last week was much like my excitement freshman year. I wrote a blog about that day I found out freshman year which you can find here.

One of the coolest parts about me getting this opportunity to lead worship in chapel is the way I found out. Right when I got the email last week, I was standing in the Caf almost exactly where I was standing freshman year when I found out I'd be in the freshman band. It was so bizarre and I started to tear up with joy and relief.

I am beyond excited for what this year has in store and I know that God is going to do some great things on this campus, in my life, and the lives of those around me! We (myself, the other interns, and the worship director) had our first meeting tonight and it made me all the more excited. I can tell this is going to push me to grow as a worship leader, as a person, and more importantly, to grow as a Christian by being sharpened by other believers who do the same thing I do. To strive towards the same goal of glorifying God through music with others is something I've been desiring for a long time. And here's the opportunity. 

This is an amazing blessing and gift that God has blessed me with for this year and I intend on doing everything in my ability to make it known that He is the only reason I stand, He is why I sing, He is why I have life.

Be encouraged today, friends, and know that God is a God who does far more than all we ask or imagine according to His power at work within us (Ephesians 3:20).

That is all.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

An Introduction

Well hello there lovely friends (if anyone still keeps up with this blog)! Or maybe you're new to this blog and you don't know who I am. If that's the case, allow me to introduce myself. Wait, am I already telling you what to do? I've only just met you and I'm telling you to allow me to do something. How rude of me. Well how about this; I will now introduce myself if that's agreeable to you.

Hello. My name is Orin Joshua Mozon. I am a follower and lover of Jesus. I am a third year student at Point Loma Nazarene University. Through Point Loma, I am a 'Loma Blogger." What that means is simply that they promote me to write about my life on this page here. It's a fun little thing I've been doing for the past two years here and I enjoy it. I enjoy it most when people leave comments, send messages, etc. I've actually made a couple really great friends through this blog, one of which I stay in long distance contact now and am really blessed by her friendship and other who actually attends the school! Maybe you could be next. Don't be afraid to say hello by dropping a comment here or messaging me through a different one of my social media accounts. Feel free to follow me on Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram (@orindiculous), or add me as a friend on Facebook. My life is an open book for anyone who wants to read!

I have thoughts. Sometimes I have feelings. In this blog, I will write about those things. Mostly my thoughts. Sometimes my feelings. Usually I write about events that I participate in, things I see around campus, experiences I have relating to my life on campus, and sometimes random things I want to say. Either way, I hope this will be another fun experience for us all!

Also, I'd love to pray for any of you who read this so please, let me know if anything is going on in your life that you would like me to pray for!

"May grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord." (2 Peter 1:2)

God bless you guys!

That is all.