There are a ton of fun things that happen around Point Loma's campus
during the semester but one of my favorite events so far this year has
to be this thing that we did for the first time this year called the
Klendricks Fallalapalooza. The Klendricks, although it sounds like it
could some sort of disease, is really just a blend between the names of
the underclassmen dorms. Hendricks is the dorm where I live even though
I'm not an underclassman anymore. This year the dorm is 2/3 boys and 1/3
girls because of the crazy amount of girls that applied this year. The
other dorm is Klassen, that's an all girls dorm. Klassen + Hendricks =
Klendricks. Get it? Anyway. The event was really fun. The theme was like
a hodown sort of thing I guess? People wore flannel, there was hay involved and it was a blast!
Dorm life is great! Here are some of my favorite pictures from that
night that I was in with some of my little freshman and some of my sophomore friends that I met last year :) Haha I was among one of the only juniors there. I feel so old!
I'm pretty sure we all just started jumping around and screaming and these next few pictures were the result
Then there was a photo booth with fun clothes and... this happened

Some of the guys on my hall!
Then some random pictures I jumped into
And lastly, me and two of the Hendricks RAs... keeping in step with the Hendricks spirit.
Well that was a fun little look at how much fun this place is! Have a good day!
In Christ,
Orin J Mozon :)