Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Break is almost over

I am so ready to go back to school. I miss the community. I miss chapels. I miss hanging out in the caf for hours between classes. I miss long talks on late nights. I miss goofing around with my roommate. I miss our prayer group that we had this last finals week. I don't miss classes though... But I'm excited for my new schedule and for what God is going to do this next semester. I miss seeing the ocean from my window. I miss the encouragement that I could receive from being on campus. I miss late night runs to McDonald's for sweet tea (it's really a car ride, not a run). I miss BURRITOS EVERY SINGLE WEEK. I miss not having to tell my parents where I'm going when I leave the house :P Not like I dislike it now, it's just nice not to have to remember to check in because I'm so forgetful. I miss the running jokes I have with some of my friends. I miss my RA. I miss seeing people every day unlike now where I rarely see people I know because I have no friends :P I miss walking around campus and just praying and meditating on the day. I miss shortening words all the time for fun like totes, presh, aws, etc.

I miss a lot of things. But in 5 days, I will be Loma bound again. Dig it.

Oh and I miss people actually reading my blog... What do I do wrong? :(

That is all.

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