Saturday, November 30, 2013


Homecoming weekend was just a week ago from today and this was probably my favorite one of the 4 I've been here for. Being a senior probably made me enjoy it more for sure but there were a bunch of reasons why it was more incredible this year than other years too!

I think I mentioned in my last post that I had gotten nominated to be on the Homecoming Court for this year so that added a lot to my enjoyment of the week.

On Friday last week, we had the 2013 Homecoming Variety Show and  Coronation where they honor those on the court and then reveal the winner out of the seniors who win "king" and "queen." My parents came to the show to see me and took some pictures. (The spotlights were so insanely bright it was really hard to see!)
 Me and my walking partner and fellow senior, Hayley, as we were being introduced.

 The whole court! Freshman prince/princess, sophomore, junior, and then the 3 senior nominees.

Then we got to ride on the rotating stage as it turned around and the variety show started. (by the way, being on the rotating stage was one of our favorite parts of being on the court. A lot of people have that on their Loma bucket list and we got to do it!) It’s so cool that there have been so many talented people to come through Point Loma. From guitarists, to singers, and overall great people, Point Loma has exported a lot of talent!
So anyway, after the variety show, the court got to ride the stage around one more time! We danced as it spun and that was a blast. So then they introduced the 2012 (last year’s) Homecoming King and Queen because they were going to crown the 2013 (this year’s) King and Queen after the results were revealed. But before the results could be revealed, they got the 1983 (30 year’s ago!) Homecoming King and Queen to bring out the envelope!
They announced the king first.
“Your 2013 Homecoming King is… Orin Mozon!” (that’s me just in case you didn’t know who was writing this).

How exciting! It was a pretty surreal experience to win something like this for me. I was nominated to be on the court the last couple years but never made it past the questionnaire part. And then, my senior year, they let me in and I won! I was pretty excited!
And then the moment everyone was really waiting for, the Homecoming Queen! And it just so happened to be my walking partner, Hayley! I was super stoked about that too!
After last year’s royalty crowned us, they played that one song that goes “Celebrate good times come on doo doo doo do do do do doo.” We had rehearsed walking out formally, but when that song came on, Hayley and I decided to dance our way out so that was exciting too.

This was definitely an experience I’ll always remember.

Then to top it off, the next day, both PLNU men's and women's basketball won the homecoming game. The men's game went into overtime and I think it was the loudest game I've ever heard in the gym. The students here rock.

Man, I love my school. I'm so blessed to be here.
That is all.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Senior Year: Month 2

This year has been absolutely amazing. I wish I could accurately and briefly describe how great things are going here at Loma. From meeting new people, to deepening relationships I've already had here over the years, I am constantly reminded that I am in the right place. I never want to leave! Seriously. I have to find a way to not leave. Maybe I'll fail just one class so I have to stay an extra year... Parents probably wouldn't be happy about that though...

Well, what to say. In the last month from my last blog up to this, quite a lot has happened I suppose! Life has been great overall and I'm really thankful for that.

A cool thing about social media is that as you post things, they save so you can look back on the past and see what happened that was social media worthy and then track what you've been up to. So that's what I did. Here's some of the things that have happened within the last month!
  • Stayed up all night studying for a music history test
  • Burrito run for a study break
  • Stayed up all night two days after that for a psychology test
  • Had Lucky Puffs (one of the many Caf creations that keep the Caf exciting) Embedded image permalink
  • 1am McDonald’s run
  • Burrito run
  • Multiple jam sessions with friends who are way better musicians than I am
  • Went to a spoken word event in North Park
  • Real talk with good dudes
  • Got persuaded to drive freshmen girls that live in my dorm to a Jason Aldean concert even though I really don’t like country
  • Actually had fun at that concert
  • Packed 12 freshmen in my car that seats 5

  • Movie night by myself all night to help me stay awake and finish mounds of homework
  • Discovered that my social psychology professor is super cool and frequently browses reddit
  • Fall break and Fall Festival at Point Loma (PUMPKINS EVERYWHERE)
  • Tried my first ever pumpkin spice latte and really liked it
  • Had another one the next day
  • Heard that President Obama is apparently releasing a rap album this year (should probably be called The Black House

  • Led worship at the Time Out service and it was awesome
  • Burrito run
  • Went to an ASB event on Halloween night that was a ton of fun (see string of pictures from the photo booth below)
Jeff Brown's photo.

  • Got nominated for homecoming and made it in to the top 3 so I’ll be on homecoming court later this month!
  • Led worship in chapel yesterday and a had a ton of fun. It was a preview day too so there were a lot of students and parents on campus that had never been on campus before which added to the excitement
  • Burrito run
  • Hung out in the Caf for 3 and a half hours because I just love the Caf so much and there is awesome food and so many great people to hang out with
  • Got a yellow card from the stands at the girls’ volleyball game for yelling at the ref. Oops.

As you can see, there are tons of things happening in my life and on campus (mostly burrito runs). This is only a glimpse!
I’m loving life and am so blessed to be where I am.

That is all.