Friday, February 24, 2012

It's Been Far Too Long

Hello friends, if any of you still exist. I haven't gotten a chance to stop and write here in this here blog in over a month. Life is good but I just haven't known what to report to you all!

Well how about a what am I up to sort of blog? I'm taking 17 units this semester and my classes are really tough. I've got a lot of reading that I have to keep up with for my Lit class, Old Testament class, and my Cultural Anthropology class. But I'm learning a lot.

In Lit, we've been going through some books that our teacher has been calling "some of the best novels ever written." It's not just his opinion though because they are among the best ranked novels of all time too. I've always wondered though, who gets to decide what makes a good novel anyway? I wouldn't so boldly put some of the books that we've read on a best of all time list. Call me a saint, but I'm not really a very big reader of literature other than the Bible or books about the Bible or the gospel so I'm not one to rate novels anyway. But they're good books nonetheless. So far, we've read Madame Bovary, Crime and Punishment, and a part of The Brothers Karamazov. Madame Bovary was depressing but interesting, Crime and Punishment was dark yet intriguing, and the Grand Inquisitor (a section of the book the Brothers Karamazov) was dense yet thought provoking. We have some really great class discussions in that class that make me think.

For Old Testament, it's been cool getting to learn more in depth about the Bible for the first time from a professor. I really enjoy it and having homework assignments that make me learn about the Word of God, even if they are a lot of reading, is totally okay with me. I'm all about learning new things. We had our first test last week and I thought I did good and much to my surprise, so did the professor. We haven't gotten them back yet but after class on Tuesday, he pulled me aside and told me that I wrote some really great essays. That was really cool because I didn't see him tell that to anyone else and that means it really must have stuck out because he didn't give any tests back yet. I praise the Lord for that! I always enjoy writing about the Bible (as I've done here many times) so it's cool that I can do it in an academic setting as well.

Cultural Anthropology is a really interesting course. It has really made me expand my thinking of the world (globally) and my world (locally). The class is about the study of culture and the differences between them and it's really interesting to think critically about how the way we live in America is actually quite different then how most of the world lives. I'm grateful to be here but so often, as I've been learning, we, as Americans, can be extremely ethnocentric (a term I learned in the class) and think that our way of life is superior to others when it's really not. I've been seeing how different even people on Point Loma's campus are. People come from all sorts of different places and it's a beautiful thing when the people of God come together from various locations and live together.

"How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!" -Psalm 133:1

In other news, I applied to be an RA next year but didn't get it. It's okay though because I wasn't really sold on the idea anyway. It was just weird to not get an interview because I constantly had people saying, "Orin, you'd make such a good RA!" and "Why aren't you applying to be an RA? You'd be so great!" I wasn't even convinced that I would be but I thought I should at least go through the application process to see if maybe that's what God wanted for me next year. Obviously not, which means even better things are coming :)

So that's what's been going on scholastically. There's more I'm sure, but I'm not really good at writing about myself if I don't have a topic in front of me so that'll have to do for now.

I'll close with these words that were given to me last year and that I meditate on often. I wrote a blog about it a long time ago (see here) and I now keep the note above my bed so I see it whenever I go to sleep. Let this be an encouragement to you as it is to me because it's so true.

Keep seeking Christ.
He sees you.
He hears you.
He knows you.
His love for you is greater than anyone could ever imagine.
Take joy for you are delighted in.

"Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." James 4:8

That is all.

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