Sunday, February 6, 2011

Something That Tickles My Insides

I know this is the third blog I've posted today, but bear with me. Grr. (That was a dumb joke, sorry)

Blogspot has this nifty thing that tells me how many people view my blog and it can tell me also how they made their way here. That's not the funny part.

It tells me where my blog has a link if people have clicked it. For example, my facebook, and the Point Loma Loma Blogger website, and my Twitter too. Still not the funny part.

The funny part, to me at least, is that it tells you that if people searched something in Google and found your blog because of it, it shows you what they searched for. In the last week, people who have typed the following things have stumbled across my blog.

1. black guys in toby macs band
2. my heart christ's home tagalog
3. plnu cider celebration
4. songs brandon heath played at the toby mac concert
5. toby mac bass player todd lawton

In and of itself, none of these are that funny of search terms. I just kinda find it funny that someone typed in, "black guys in toby macs band" that my blog is the first result.

Maybe I should just find what the top searched item is on Google and make a blog post about it. Then, a bunch of people who are looking for that, will find my blog instead. And then I will become an internet phenomenon right? That's how this works I'm pretty sure.

I need to go write a paper now. And then go to church :) :) :) :)

That is all.


  1. first-- i totally loved your dumb joke.
    second-- those are some pretty random search terms. at least they're not creepy!
    third-- i found your blog! hooray!!!

  2. OK I had to try it. Went to google and typed black guys in toby mac's band. OH WOW!!! That is totaly cool!

    So, what feature are you using, let the rest of us have some fun too!!
