Thursday, September 1, 2011


Doors doors doors. In life, there are always doors we can go through. Some doors lead us to roads we don't want to be on while others lead us to growth and experiencing God's goodness in a new way. I'm at a point in my college experience where I've got a bunch of doors I could walk through. The Lord has been good to me over the summer as He's prepared me for this next season but now that I'm this season, I'm waiting on His direction to show me what door I should open and walk through as I figure out what I'm going to be involved with this year on campus.

Here are some of the doors God has been showing me that I could walk through. There are a lot of them which makes choosing a hard thing to do, especially when I'm characteristically indecisive. As I prayed through all these doors, I realized that there could be more doors and that God could actually have me go through more than one door at the same time if He saw fit.

Door #1: Some of you may know that I was the co-leader for the Freshman Band last year at Point Loma for chapels. So my first door would be to be involved again this year but as a worship intern this time around. I can't lead a freshman band again because well, I'm no longer a freshman. But I could lead a band of other musicians if the Lord so wills. So that's an option on my involvement.

Door #2: I could be just a part of the chapel band without being a worship intern. I already lead worship a good amount at my church so it's not like I would be stopping that. There's another option.

Door #3: Not being in chapel band at all. Not the most desirable door. But I've got to keep an open mind knowing that God has plans for me that might not be what I want but I trust that I know they'll be what I need.

Door #4: On my hall this year, we had an interesting situation in which the Cov Group Leader for the hall decided not to have that role any longer so now the position is open. If you didn't know, a Cov Group Leader is basically a small group leader for the hall on which he resides. Since the position is open, it's possible that I could step up and do it and be Cov Group Leader myself.

Door #5: There are two freshmen who live directly across from me who were told that they could do co-Cov Group Leaders if they both do it. An option I have is to let them do it by themselves. Funny story. As I started typing this, I heard them talking in their room about going to talk to the person who would be in charge of it about doing it. Earlier in the day, they talked to one of our two RAs (Resident Assistants) Luke about doing while even earlier in the day I talked to the other RA Jordan about me doing it. So that's really interesting. Maybe this door is a door that just got opened.

Door #6: Still on the same topic, the two freshmen last night asked me about leading worship for the Cov Group if they did it. That's another option.

Door #7: Me being Cov Group Leader and asking the two freshmen to help me out so they get experience and maybe go on to do it next year.

Door #8: Letting them do it and I just attend and not have a leadership role at all.

Door #9: Not even be a part of the Cov Group. I didn't participate last year in my hall's cov group for quite a few reasons so not having a role in cov group at all is an option too.

The possibilities are endless when it comes to this next year because I know that God will be faithful in whatever way He wants to use me this year. All I can do is wait for His guidance and let Him open doors and close doors as He stands beside me and goes before me.

I feel really scatterbrained right now because of all these things I (potentially) have going on. That being said, I think it's time for some homework. Yam.

God bless you. And you. And you too. Yes, even you.

That is all.

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