Monday, September 10, 2012

Some Really Good News

If I may share a joy in my life, I will proceed. Since I hear no objections, here it is.

Last week, Thursday to be exact, I found out that I was selected to be one of the worship interns here at Point Loma! Basically what that means is that I am blessed to be able to lead worship every once in a while during Point Loma's chapels and do a bunch of behind the scenes stuff. Chapel, for those who don't know, meets here at Point Loma 3 times a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) in the mornings (9:45AM) and once a week for a service called Time Out on Wednesday nights. I have some great experiences in the chapel services here and I'm glad I get to be a part again.

I said "again" and you might not know why, but if you've followed my story the last few years, you'd know that I got to lead worship on campus as a freshman with the New Student band. My excitement last week was much like my excitement freshman year. I wrote a blog about that day I found out freshman year which you can find here.

One of the coolest parts about me getting this opportunity to lead worship in chapel is the way I found out. Right when I got the email last week, I was standing in the Caf almost exactly where I was standing freshman year when I found out I'd be in the freshman band. It was so bizarre and I started to tear up with joy and relief.

I am beyond excited for what this year has in store and I know that God is going to do some great things on this campus, in my life, and the lives of those around me! We (myself, the other interns, and the worship director) had our first meeting tonight and it made me all the more excited. I can tell this is going to push me to grow as a worship leader, as a person, and more importantly, to grow as a Christian by being sharpened by other believers who do the same thing I do. To strive towards the same goal of glorifying God through music with others is something I've been desiring for a long time. And here's the opportunity. 

This is an amazing blessing and gift that God has blessed me with for this year and I intend on doing everything in my ability to make it known that He is the only reason I stand, He is why I sing, He is why I have life.

Be encouraged today, friends, and know that God is a God who does far more than all we ask or imagine according to His power at work within us (Ephesians 3:20).

That is all.

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