Friday, December 24, 2010

It's Christmas Eve

What to blog about… Hmm. Well, I’m currently on my Christmas break and sitting in my room. It is Christmas Eve and I am sitting in wait to play guitar and sing in the worship band tonight at our church’s Christmas Eve Candlelight Service. Let’s just say, I’m thoroughly excited. God has been moving mightily in my church the past couple days. 75 people have received Christ in the past three days from our services on Wednesday (6), Thursday (17), and two services this afternoon (52). If the numbers continue to go upward, tonight could be amazing. I’m very excited for God to move through the worship and through the speakers (the people, not the sound equipment. Thank you, I’ll be here all week).

I’ve been on break for exactly a week now and it’s been going swimmingly. I’ve been sleeping a lot, which is probably much needed and I’ve been spending a lot of quiet time with God and that’s been super nice. This week, I went through the Song of Solomon and I just started Isaiah. Man, Song of Solomon is… an interesting book to say the least. I got a lot out of studying it rather than just reading it and it makes me realize how much I know some people miss from the Word when they just read it like a novel and put it down. By studying, I’m talking comparing different translations, looking up some words in the original Hebrew and reading multiple sources like commentaries and study notes like I have in my Bible. It’s good stuff when you really get into it. Also in my free time, I’ve gotten back huge on my Scripture memorization. I’m at 52 verses right now and it feels good being able to go through a stack of cards and just say the Word of God from memory. It’s tough though, but fun.

Something else that I’ve been really enjoying about this break is the freedom away from school and not having to think about homework or anything like that. It’s really given me time to do what I think matters (like memorize and read Scripture) and it just makes me feel so lighter in general. Also, I’ve been able to see some old friends. Most specifically, two guys I graduated with that I felt really close with. One of them went off to Biola – I still haven’t forgiven him for that sin yet ( J just kidding) – and the other went off to IHOP. No, not International House of Pancakes, but rather International House of Prayer in Kansas City, Missouri. It’s cool having them both back at the same time. We had a group hug today when I saw them both. I probably got more of a sentimental value out of it than they did, but oh well. I’ve been able to hang out a lot too but I really am missing my friends from Point Loma too. But it’s all good. Lord willing, we shall be reunited on the most beautiful campus in the galaxy (in my unbiased opinion).

In closing, I want to give a shout out to my lovely new friend, Chelsea Ontiveros. Apparently, she is one of my few readers and she found me on Facebook and we talked for a while and praise God because she just got an acceptance letter to Loma! :) I was and still am very excited for her. So hi Chelsea :)

That just goes to show, if you read my blog and contact me, you get in to Point Loma. Prove me wrong. I’m going strong 100% right now. One for one. Beat that, bloggers J.

I’ll probably put up another blog tomorrow about what I got for Christmas and that whole deal cuz I’m sure everyone does that. Anyway…

That is all.

p.s. Enjoy a few pictures of me in some intense moments from a soccer game back when I was in high school.

Me battling for a ball with a guy from the other team:

A sequence of pictures of me scoring a goal! First, dribbling past the goalie:

Then shooting:

Thirdly, watching the ball go in:

Lastly, celebrating:

 Here's me... doing something:

Me as goalie:

Jumping for a header:

I don't know how to describe this one:

Lastly, my favorite:


That is all for real.


  1. Very... Nicee... Blog.. I really appreciate it... Thanks..:-)

  2. Thanks Ernie! Thanks for reading :)
